Registration Step 2: Collaborations Terms of Use of CMRSegTools

Collaboration Terms and Commitments

By registering to CMRSegTools for your research, you understand our disclaimers, and you accept and agree to our collaborations terms and conditions:
1) You agree to provide co-authorship to P.Croisille or alternatively to one member of his team in peer-reviewed scientific papers that will be published in indexed journals by your group using CMRSegtools as a post-processing tool

2) You agree to include bibliographic references to CMRSegTools in papers that will be published in indexed journals by your group using CMRSegtools as a post-processing tool

© 2017 P.Croisille. CREATIS; CNRS UMR5220 ; Inserm U1026 ; INSA-Lyon; Université Jean-Monnet, Université de Lyon (France).